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Your Momma Thinks Square Roots Are Vegetables is the eighteenth book collection of FoxTrot strips, featuring the strips originally published on August 26, 2001 – April 14, 2002 (plus the week of July 23–28, 2001). Its contents were reprinted in FoxTrotius Maximus.

The book's cover is based on the comic where Jason and Marcus trash talk before a math test. They exchange corny math roasts one of them being "Your momma thinks square roots are vegetables".

Also included in this collection of Foxtrot strips:[]

  • Andy's allergy fun - A story arc where Andy falls into a drunk-like state after taking an allergy decongestant. This causes her to do things like channel surf with the TV off, repeatedly fall for Jason claiming she forgot his allowance, and serve ice cream for dinner.
  • Roger gives blood -A story arc (minus the Monday strip) that centers around Roger working up the courage to donate blood.
  • When Harry met Gandalf - A story arc that features Eileen Jacobson dressing up in anticipation for the Harry Potter movie releasing the following week. Jason tries to compete with his interest in The Lord of the Rings, only for Eileen's interest to rub off on him.
  • Paige goes Rudolph - A December story arc where Paige has a pimple on her nose, making her resemble the character Rudolph which she gets teased about.
  • Jason with braces - A story arc where Andy takes Jason to an orthodontist to see if he needs braces. Paige and Peter try to imagine what is would be like until it is determined Jason doesn't need them.
  • Peter's hot haircut - A story arc where Peter visits a barbershop and gets a haircut done by an ex-lingerie model. The woman botches the haircut since she's still in beautician's school, but Peter doesn't care.