Foxtrot Wiki
Roger Fox
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Name Roger Fox
Age 45
Relatives Fox Family, Quincy
Gender Male
Status Alive, almost murdered many times
Relationship Andy
Hair Color Brown
Born January 20

Roger Fox (Born January 20) is the father of Peter, Paige, and Jason and the husband of Andy. According to the strip, he is 45 years old and was born in Chicago, Illinois. Roger has also stated that he majored in English studies at the fictional Willot College. He works at Pembrook and Associates. Roger's occupation is an unspecified white-collar office job, although his coworkers and his boss, Pembrook, have appeared in the strip. He also has some trouble with giving Christmas presents; he once mixed up the family's Christmas gifts due to exhaustion and confusing Jason's request for cash and Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots for a Walk the Line CD and four solid metal gears, respectively. Despite being rather clueless at times, he can be clever in some matters. He fares well enough as a family man and clearly cares for his wife and children. He seems unable to light and cook on a grill and usually causes a giant pillar of fire to come out of it. This once destroyed a satellite, resulting in a phone call from NASA.

Roger has a good relationship with Peter, sharing their love of eating, football, and laziness. The only difference between them is that Peter can't gain any weight while Roger gains too much and most of the times is jealous of Peter. Roger is rather incompetent as whenever he tries to do something it becomes a major disaster. 

Examples of his incompetence[]

  • When Roger quit his job and went into the stock market and lost most of their money.
  • When Roger tried to make scrambled eggs they burnt and became charcoal.
  • When Roger took the family to Cactus Flats. In the middle of summer. In the middle of a record high desert heat.
  • Even though when Roger is terrible at chess, he still attempts to get his family to play with him.
  • When Roger tried to run the dishwasher while Andy was away, flooding the house. Jason found a solution called leaf blowers.
  • When Roger tried to make wine himself because store-bought was so expensive. "See, Andy? I just have to stomp all these grapes and - Shoot! My Desenex is dissolving!" 
  • Christmas Morning, when Roger bought the kids electric guitars, credit cards, and a stink gun bazooka. There are several of these occasions, and each time Andy wants to murder Roger.
  • When Roger tried to do the Christmas cards. "Um, is her Great-Aunt Beatrice still alive? I'll just put DO NOT DELIVER IF DEAD." 
  • Roger once invested 63% of the family's savings into a stock called "Growco" when he didn't even know what it did.
  • Roger thinks all sorts of programs will help him in the real world, such as buying computer virus protection to protect his cold, thinking that Windows are actually real-life windows.
  • Roger once set out to buy Halloween candy once and ending up buying DVD players, Coffee drums in Gallons, large packs of BBQ chips and hot dogs. It was when Andy confronted him about it he found out that he forgot to buy the candy.
  • when he got Paige a tamagrouchy instead of a Tamagotchi.

Paige: the logo looks different.

Roger: he said its just a typo.

Paige: tamagrouchy?!

tamagrouchy: I'm hungry, you idiot. feed me.


In the original comics from the 1980's his appearance was a bit different. His face was longer, his hair was a bit different, his ears were drawn different, and his nose also was different.

Later as Bill Amend's drawing style changed Roger's design got updated to mostly the design we know today but with a slightly longer face, also he got much fatter.

Finally, his face became more straightened.


His hobbies include golf, camping, and chess, though he has almost no talent at any of them (or virtually anything else he attempts). He often tries to involve his family in his interests, usually by taking them on vacations. He is also portrayed as being highly out of step with modern technology, especially computers. Many strips also show that he is overweight, balding and in poor physical condition, to the point of his tires sinking just by him sitting inside his car. Despite his wife's attempts to get him to eat healthy foods and exercise, he rarely does so. Similar to Peter and Paige Fox, he was also a procrastinator, and during high school he sometimes pulled all-nighters studying for a test by drinking coffee, splashing cold water on his face, and playing really loud music if the previous two attempts didn't work (Andy Fox implies, while their son is trying similar methods, that the last bit got him expelled from three fraternities).

While he's mostly calm and happy in the comics, the thing that really infuriates him is when people talk about his baldness. When Jason pretended to be one character at one point, Roger didn't mind until Jason made fun of his bald head to which Roger angrily told him to stop. One time Peter's head got shaven clean by some football players, Roger gleefully made fun of Peter until his hair started to grow back, to which he frustratedly apologize to him for making fun of him. His hatred of his bald head led him to get a topee at one point until Andrea persuaded him to stop wearing it as it'll only make him look insecure about his age.

Roger is also a very sore loser as he throws temper tantrums or complains at how unfair it was when he loses at chess or other sports, even demanding rematches or resort to groveling. In golf, he’s also shown to destroy his golf equipment in frustration when he misses a hole in one or when his wife Andy beats him.

Childhood and early life[]

  • He was a English major in college.
  • He was a captain goofball fan as a kid.
  • In high school, he studied using coffee and loud music to keep him awake.


  • Roger's senior thesis in college was on Thomas Edison. He wrote this in one night.
  • his favorite color is blue, and his favorite animal is a lion.
  • In one of the first Sunday comic strips, Roger is seen holding a newspaper with FoxTrot running on the back.
  • Roger once slept through Church.
  • Just like Peter, Roger eats his age in platefuls of food each thanksgiving. He's also shown to be jealous of Peter's high metabolism.
  • Roger has once cleared an online chess room of everyone except for a user called Timmy_Age_3, sending Roger a message stating "Let's Rumble."
  • Roger has had a New Years resolution to lose 20 pounds. He tried to achieve this by gaining 300 pounds so he can go on “The Biggest Loser” and lose 320 pounds, reach his goal and make money in the process (This was Peters idea).
  • Another New Years Roger put off his resolution to lose 15 pounds until the day before New Year’s Eve. The original resolution was to lose 5 pounds, but that was before he gained 10 that year.